Primitive Reflex Integration

Retained primitive/primary reflexes can disturb natural development of the child. Primitive reflexes are the basis of our development and determine our quality of life. Difficulties in meeting physical and cognitive milestones in childhood can be related to retained, absent or pathological reflexes. Adults and children with unintegrated primitive reflexes may experience vast variety of symptoms from being a little clumsy and uncoordinated to severe physically, emotionally and cognitively impaired.

  • Primary reflex integration therapy is a great support for proper physical, emotional and cognitive development of healthy babies and babies with challenges
  • Primary reflex integration therapy brings very visible results for babies with CP, congenital Torticolis, Erb’s palsy, hypertonicity (spasticity), hypotonicity (flaccidity), genetic disorders, and many more
  • Toddlers, preschoolers and school aged children with behavioral issues, such as ASD, ADHD, Global General Delay, anger management issues, oppositional defiant disorder, selective mutism, general anxiety and other conditions show significant improvement with primitive reflex integration therapy
  • For both adults and children primitive reflex integration therapy helps addressing neurological, behavioural, emotional, and orthopaedic issues
  • Children and adults with trauma, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and postural dysfunctions respond extremely well to primary reflex integration therapy
2019-12-31T20:24:29+00:00 December 1st, 2019|