Craniosacral Therapy

Hands-on subtle therapy that mostly involves gentle manipulations of the head and sacrum. Craniosacral therapy beneficial for improving general wellbeing and energy level. Craniosacral therapy extremely helpful in dealing with variety of neurological, psychological and somatic problems. Depression, anxiety, concussion, post concussion syndrome, stress disorders, insomnia, migraines, jaw pain, tinnitus, vertigo, sinusitis successfully treated by craniosacral practitioners.

Great results seeing in babies with suckling disorder, reflux, “fussy baby syndrome”, children with attention deficit and hyperactivity (ADHD), autism (ASD), speech delay, chronic otitis and so much more.

Craniosacral practitioner working with Primary Respiratory Mechanism (PRM), the phenomena of involuntary physiological motion within the central nervous system and its adjacent anatomy.

2019-12-30T21:29:09+00:00 August 9th, 2017|